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Rackspace Cloud Sftp

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The Rackspace Support Documentation provides guidance for users of all Rackspace services. Deploy to Sitecore Cloud using FTP. Examples of RDBMS and NoSQL databases. SFTP: The SSH File Transfer Protocol is a secure file transfer and management protocol. This protocol assumes the files are using a secure channel, such as SSH, and that the identity of the client is available to the protocol. SMTP: The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is used by electronic mail servers to send and receive email messages. Rackspace Cloud Load Balancer¶. Note: This document assumes that the reader is familiar with HOT specification. If that is not the case, please go to the References section listed at the end of this tutorial for HOT specification link. Ubiquitous API Access: SME adds an SFTP, FTP, and WebDav interface to RackSpace Files File Versioning: Versioning and file locking is built into the Storage Made Easy platform. If the same filename is uploaded to the same folder, the new file will be versioned and visible using our unique visual versioning UI feature.

Manage OnMetal Cloud Servers through the API

Authored by: Russell Haering

You can use OnMetal Cloud Servers to start bare metal servers by using the Rackspace Cloud Servers API. Follow thesesteps to set up an OnMetal server through the API.

Note: For the parallel steps in the Cloud Control Panel, see Create OnMetal Cloud Servers.

Set up the API client

Follow these steps to create your OnMetal server through the API, if you don't already have an OpenStack Nova API client set up.

  1. Install supernova and rackspace-novaclient via pip:

  2. After you have access to OnMetal, configure supernovato work with the Rackspace IAD region by adding the followinginformation to ~/.supernova:

Note: Be sure to set the appropriate values for the followingparameters:

  • OS_USERNAME: Your Rackspace Cloud username, which is the user name you use to log in to the Cloud Control Panel.
  • OS_PASSWORD: Your Rackspace Cloud API key, which you can accessin the Cloud Control Panel by clicking Account: userName > Account Settings.
  • OS_TENANT_NAME: Your Rackspace Cloud tenant ID, which displays as your Account number in the username menu of the Cloud Control Panel.

IMPORTANT: Use a Secure Shell (SSH) key pair to create OnMetal servers. Ignore the administrator password returned by the create server operation because it does not allow access to the OnMetal server.For information about generating SSH Keys, see Manage SSH Key Pairs forCloud Servers with python-novaclient.

Upload an SSH key pair

OnMetal servers only allow an SSH key pair based login, and they do not support password-based login. Use thefollowing command syntax to upload your SSH key pair:

For example:

For information on generating SSH key pairs, see Manage SSH Key Pairs forCloud Servers with python-novaclient.

Start your server

To start your OnMetal server, choose an operating system (image) and a server size (flavor).

Supported Images

  • OnMetal - CentOS® 7
  • OnMetal - CentOS 6.5Note: Run the CentOS 6.5 image only on a Linux® Kernel release of3.10 or higher, to avoid performance degradation.
  • OnMetal - Debian 7® (Wheezy)

Note: Rackspace adds other operating system images when they are ready.

Supported Flavors

  • All flavors have a 32 GB system disk.
  • All flavors include dual 10 GigE NICs in a high availability bondedconfiguration and use VLAN tagging to access ServiceNet (for trafficwithin a Rackspace region) and PublicNet (the Internet).

Run the boot command

Use the following command to start (boot) your OnMetal server:

For example:

supernova iad boot --flavor onmetal-compute1 --image 1387253c-7735-4542-9612-26bc9ff77a9d --key-name johndoe onmetal-test

You should see output similar to the following example:

Note: Although this output displays an administrator password, this passwordis not actually used. You can safely ignore it.

The server takes about five minutes to build. Check the status by running the following command:

The output should look similar to the following example:

After a few minutes, the server is assigned a public and private IP address. You can seethem in the output of the show command. After the status becomes ACTIVE, the server boots for the first time. The server isn't reachable, until after a few minutes, when the network configuration is complete.

Log in to the server

After the server starts, use the SSH key pair that you specified to log in to the server:

Note: The default user on Debian® and CentOS® is root.

Delete the server

If you need to, you can also delete or cancel the server following these commands:

  1. Execute the following command, replacing the example ID with your server's ID:

  2. Use the following command to see the progress.

    You should see output similar to the following example:

Note: Your server goes into the task state deleting. OnMetal server deletions take longer than virtual server deletions, usually a few minutes.

Using OnMetal

The flashcards included with the OnMetal I/O flavor are unformatted, but you can format them. For more information, see Configure flash drives in High I/O instances as Datadrives.

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Cloud based sftp server


Cloud Based Sftp Server

The Rackspace Cloud platform includes everything you need to build websites and applications that scale servers, storage, networking, APIs, and more. The Rackspace Cloud is based on OpenStack, which is a global collaboration of developers and cloud computing technologists producing the ubiquitous open source cloud computing platform for public and private clouds.

This guide assumes you're familiar with Java and its technologies. To get started you'll need access to the Rackspace cloud and jclouds.

Get a Username and API Key

  1. If you don't have a Username and API Key already, sign up for developer+ to try the Rackspace Cloud.
    • developer+ gives you a 12-month infrastructure credit that can be used with all of the Rackspace services.
  2. Login to the Cloud Control Panel (US) or the Cloud Control Panel (UK).
  3. In the top right corner click on your username and then click Account Settings to locate your API Key.

Get jclouds

  1. Ensure you are using the Java Development Kit (JDK) version 6 or later.
    • javac -version
  2. Ensure you are using Maven version 3 or later.
    • mvn -version
  3. Create a directory to try out jclouds.
    • mkdir jclouds
    • cd jclouds
  4. Make a local copy of this pom.xml file in the jclouds directory.
    • mvn dependency:copy-dependencies '-DoutputDirectory=./lib'
  5. You should now have a directory with the following structure:
    • jclouds/
      • pom.xml
      • lib/
        • *.jar


There are some differences in terminology between jclouds and Rackspace/OpenStack that should be made clear.

jcloudsRackspace (OpenStack)
ComputeCloud Servers (Nova)
NodeMetadataServer details
BlobStoreCloud Files (Swift)
BlobFile (Object)

Your First Cloud Files App


Cloud Files is an easy to use online storage for files and media which can be delivered globally over Akamai's content delivery network (CDN).


Cloud Files works with a portable layer in jclouds that is used to access features common to all cloud object storage systems. Cloud Files also works with the OpenStack layer in jclouds that is used to access features common to all OpenStack Swift object storage systems. Finally, Cloud Files works with the Rackspace layer in jclouds that is used to access features specific to the Rackspace object storage system.

  1. The portable API for Cloud Files is org.jclouds.blobstore.BlobStore.
  2. The OpenStack API for Cloud Files is org.jclouds.openstack.swift.CommonSwiftClient.
  3. The Rackspace API for Cloud Files is org.jclouds.cloudfiles.CloudFilesClient.
  4. You can find these APIs in the latest Javadoc.

The Source Code

  1. Create the directory hierarchy org/jclouds/examples/rackspace/cloudfiles/ in your jclouds directory.
  2. Create Java source files called and in the directory above.
  3. You should now have a directory with the following structure:
    • jclouds/
      • pom.xml
      • lib/
        • *.jar
      • org/jclouds/examples/rackspace/cloudfiles/
  4. Open for editing.
  5. Go to the example code, read it over, and copy the code into your file.
  6. Open for editing.
  7. Go to the example code, read it over, and copy the code into your file.

Compile and Run

Your First Cloud Servers App


Cloud Servers is an easy to use service that provides on-demand servers that you can use to to build dynamic websites, deliver mobile apps, or crunch big data.


Cloud Servers works with a portable layer in jclouds that is used to access features common to all cloud compute systems. Cloud Servers also works with the OpenStack layer in jclouds that is used to access features common to all OpenStack Nova compute systems.

  1. The portable API for Cloud Servers is org.jclouds.compute.ComputeService.
  2. The OpenStack API for Cloud Servers is the org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.features.ServerApi. It's accessible via the org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.NovaApi.
  3. You can find these APIs in the latest Javadoc.

The Source Code

  1. Create the directory hierarchy org/jclouds/examples/rackspace/cloudservers/ in your jclouds directory.
  2. Create Java source files called and in the directory above.
  3. You should now have a directory with the following structure:
    • jclouds/
      • pom.xml
      • lib/
        • *.jar
      • org/jclouds/examples/rackspace/cloudservers/
  4. Open for editing.
  5. Go to the example code, read it over, and copy the code into your file.
  6. Open for editing.
  7. Go to the example code, read it over, and copy the code into your file.

Compile and Run

Rackspace Ftp

Working with Cloud Block Storage


Cloud Block Storage allows you to create volumes on which to persistently store your data from your servers, even when those servers have been deleted. It delivers consistent performance for your I/O-intensive applications.


Cloud Block Storage works with the OpenStack layer in jclouds that is used to access features common to all OpenStack Cinder block storage systems.

  1. The OpenStack API for Cloud Block Storage is the org.jclouds.openstack.cinder.v1.CinderApi. All other APIs for working with block storage are accessible via the CinderApi.
  2. You can find these APIs in the latest Javadoc.

The Source Code

  1. Create the directory hierarchy org/jclouds/examples/rackspace/cloudblockstorage/ in your jclouds directory.
  2. Create Java source files called and in the directory above.
  3. You should now have a directory with the following structure:
    • jclouds/
      • pom.xml
      • lib/
        • *.jar
      • org/jclouds/examples/rackspace/cloudblockstorage/
  4. Open for editing.
  5. Go to the example code, read it over, and copy the code into your file.
  6. Open for editing.
  7. Go to the example code, read it over, and copy the code into your file.

Compile and Run

Working with Cloud Load Balancers


Cloud Load Balancers distributes workloads across two or more servers, network links, and other resources to maximize throughput, minimize response time, and avoid overload. Rackspace Cloud Load Balancers allow you to quickly load balance multiple Cloud Servers for optimal resource utilization.


Cloud Load Balancers works with the Rackspace layer in jclouds that is used to access features specific to the Rackspace load balancer system.

  1. The Rackspace API for Cloud Load Balancers is org.jclouds.rackspace.cloudloadbalancers.CloudLoadBalancersApi. All other APIs for working with load balancers are accessible via the CloudLoadBalancersApi.
  2. You can find these APIs in the latest Javadoc.

The Source Code

  1. Create the directory hierarchy org/jclouds/examples/rackspace/cloudloadbalancers/ in your jclouds directory.
  2. Create Java source files called and in the directory above.
  3. You should now have a directory with the following structure:
    • jclouds/
      • pom.xml
      • lib/
        • *.jar
      • org/jclouds/examples/rackspace/cloudloadbalancers/
  4. Open for editing.
  5. Go to the example code, read it over, and copy the code into your file.
  6. Open for editing.
  7. Go to the example code, read it over, and copy the code into your file.

Compile and Run

Working with Cloud Databases


Cloud Databases provides easily managed cloud MySQL instances with built-in data replication for speed and reliability.


You can access Cloud Databases with the jclouds openstack-trove API by specifying the rackspace clouddatabases providers 'rackspace-clouddatabases-us' and 'rackspace-clouddatabases-uk'. The -us one can be used to access the United States regions, and the -uk one is for the United Kingdom regions. The examples use the -us provider, but the providers are interchangeable (but regions will differ).

  1. The Rackspace compatible API for Cloud Databases is org.jclouds.openstack.trove.v1.TroveApi - All other APIs for working with Cloud Databases are accessible via the TroveApi.

The Source Code

  1. Create the directory hierarchy org/jclouds/examples/rackspace/clouddatabases/ in your jclouds directory.
  2. Create Java source files called and in the directory above.
  3. You should now have a directory with the following structure:
    • jclouds/
      • pom.xml
      • lib/
        • *.jar
      • org/jclouds/examples/rackspace/clouddatabases/
  4. Open for editing.
  5. Go to the example code, read it over, and copy the code into your file.
  6. Open for editing.
  7. Go to the example code, read it over, and copy the code into your file.

Compile and Run

Note: When providing a java classpath in Windows, the path separator is ';' instead of ':'

Advanced work with Cloud Databases

In addition to the create database instance example, by going through the clouddatabases example code, you will learn to create instances, databases, and database users as well as delete and modify them. You will also learn how to set up and access a database from the public internet over JDBC. You can find the examples documentation in the Rackspace examples.

Working with Cloud Auto Scale


Cloud Auto Scale takes the work out of capacity planning, allowing Rackspace Cloud Monitoring alerts or scheduled events to create and delete servers. Through the use of webhooks, Auto Scale can be integrated into countless deployment scenarios. Read the dev blog here.


You can access Cloud Auto Scale with the jclouds rackspace-autoscale API by specifying the Auto Scale provider 'rackspace-autoscale-us'. There is no -uk provider at this time.

  1. The Rackspace compatible API for Auto Scale is org.jclouds.rackspace.autoscale.v1.AutoscaleApi - All other APIs for working with Auto Scale are accessible via the AutoscaleApi.

The Source Code

  1. Create the directory hierarchy org/jclouds/examples/rackspace/autoscale/ in your jclouds directory.
  2. Create Java source files called and in the directory above.
  3. You should now have a directory with the following structure:
    • jclouds/
      • pom.xml
      • lib/
        • *.jar
      • org/jclouds/examples/rackspace/autoscale/
  4. Open for editing.
  5. Go to the example code, read it over, and copy the code into your file.
  6. Open for editing.
  7. Go to the example code, read it over, and copy the code into your file.

Compile and Run

Note: When providing a java classpath in Windows, the path separator is ';' instead of ':'Note: This uses the API key, not the password.

Advanced work with Auto Scale

In addition to the CreatePolicy example, by going through the Auto Scale example code, you will learn to create and execute webhooks, and delete and modify groups, policies, and webhooks. You can find the examples documentation in the Rackspace examples.

Sftp Cloud Providers

Working with Cloud Queues


Cloud Queues easily connect distributed applications without installing complex software. Create unlimited queues quickly and send unlimited messages.


Cloud Queues works with the OpenStack layer in jclouds that is used to access features common to all OpenStack Marconi queuing systems.

  1. The OpenStack API for Cloud Queues is the org.jclouds.openstack.marconi.v1.MarconiApi. All other APIs for working with queues are accessible via the MarconiApi.

The Source Code

Rackspace Cloud Storage

  1. Create the directory hierarchy org/jclouds/examples/rackspace/cloudqueues/ in your jclouds directory.
  2. Create Java source files called and in the directory above.
  3. You should now have a directory with the following structure:
    • jclouds/
      • pom.xml
      • lib/
        • *.jar
      • org/jclouds/examples/rackspace/cloudqueues/
  4. Open for editing.
  5. Go to the example code, read it over, and copy the code into your file.
  6. Open for editing.
  7. Go to the example code, read it over, and copy the code into your file.

Compile and Run

Rackspace Cloud Storage Pricing

jclouds in a Managed Container

Setting up jclouds to work in a managed container is easy. You simply need to ensure that jclouds won't spawn any of its own threads. You can do this by using the ExecutorServiceModule when building your Context.

An example code snippet:

Rackspace Cloud Status

Next Steps

  1. Try the rest of the Rackspace examples and the Logging example.
  2. When you're ready to publish some web pages on the internet, try the,, or examples.
  3. Change the examples to do different things that you want to do.
  4. After running some examples, compare the output with what you see in the Cloud Control Panel.
  5. Join the jclouds community as either a developer or user.

Rackspace Cloud Providers

This is a list of providers that work with the Rackspace Cloud that you can use to build your Context.

  • 'cloudfiles-us'
  • 'cloudfiles-uk'
  • 'rackspace-cloudservers-us'
  • 'rackspace-cloudservers-uk'
  • 'rackspace-autoscale-us'
  • 'rackspace-cloudblockstorage-us'
  • 'rackspace-cloudblockstorage-uk'
  • 'rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-us'
  • 'rackspace-cloudloadbalancers-uk'
  • 'rackspace-clouddatabases-us'
  • 'rackspace-clouddatabases-uk'
  • 'rackspace-cloudqueues-us'
  • 'rackspace-cloudqueues-uk'

Support and Feedback

Your feedback is appreciated! If you have specific issues with Rackspace support in jclouds, we'd prefer that you file an issue via JIRA.

For general feedback and support requests, please join the jclouds community.

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